If you are a seller at the marketplaces such as the Amazon, you may experience some trademark infringement sometimes. The complaints can come from different people. The Amazon can send you complaints or even the manufacturers of the products that you are selling as well as another seller. However, you should know that there are different circumstances that will make you receive these trademark infringements. The trademark infringement can be because you are selling another company’s products without their permission. However, you might be using an image that another seller is using, which will be termed as copyright. You need to ensure that you use symbols that are not used by another company in these marketplaces so that you will not experience these trademark infringements. This article illustrates the ways that you can follow to respond to trademark infringement.
Make sure that you hire a trademark attorney so that they will help you out. You should understand that these professionals have enough experience in handling these issues. You can plan on how you will meet up with your trademark lawyer. Talk to them on how they will be of help to you. You need to make sure that you ask them if they have assisted other individuals with the same problem as yours. You should make sure that you ask them the amount that they will charge you for their services. You need to consult a lawyer who has specialized in these trademark infringements only since there are many categories of attorneys out there. Get to also about Amazon trademark requirements.
Secondly, you should check where the claim is coming from. Some of the trademark claims will be sent to you for some malicious purposes. You need to know who has sent the claim so you will know how you can handle it. If the claim comes from an individual company that is harassing you, it will be up to you to report them to the amazon. Some brands can be very aggressive because they do not want competition with their products, and they will send you false claims.
Lastly, you should protect your brand so that you will not come across these trademark infringements again. Make sure that your brand licensed legally so that there will not be claims from other people that you are selling their products. If you have some legal documents, you can present them to the market place you are using so that they will be sure of you. Check out this link https://hartmanslaw.com/trademark-registration-requirements-for-amazon-brand-registry/ to get more info.
Watch this video to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7DxaUITVm4